Hamilton Fire Department
Pensioner's Association

"The Group"
No Longer Riding the Rigs



Benefits Beyond 65


    Members that have retired and receive the Health Care Spending Account (HCSA), are directed by L288 President to contact a member of the Executive Board for any information on the Health Care Spending  Account (HCSA) .     

See L288 Contacts

But, to answer some of the questions first off all as the retiree approached 65 years of age the should be contacted by the city and they will let the retiree know of the HCSA and advise them on what do do. If they have not been contacted please have them reach out to the Benefits Department at the City. These members will also be issued a new card. All claims for these members are not done electronically at this point and will have to be submitted the old fashion way by filling out a form and mailing it in. These members are entitled to the exact same benefits that an active member has but once the HCSA has been depleted for the year they will have to pay themselves. The account can be used for the retiree and any dependent. 

    Prior to reaching age 65 you will    
  • be contacted by the City of Hamilton Benefits Department
  • the letter will inform you of the HCSA;

  • you will be advised regarding what to do, make claims, etc.;

  • you will be issued a claims card (retired member claim intormation);

  • Please note that claims are not done electronically at this point and claim forms will have to be submitted by mail

  • retired members are entitled to the exact same benefits that an active member is entitled to;

  • once funds are depleted, the retired member is personnally resposible for the balance;

  • If, by your 65th birthday that you have not been contact by the Benefits Department, be sure to contact them. If you have changed your contact information since retirement, contact Human Resources ( HR.Benefits@hamilton.ca.),to update your information, address, phone, email., etc


  • the retired member's account may be used for any eligible dependant.

    Health & Dental Spending Account    
    (From the 2018 to 2022 collective agreement)    
    A Health and Dental Spending Account ("Spending Account") shall be extended to those members who retire after December 31st 2009. The Spending Account will apply to members and eligible dependents.    
     Effective January 1st 2010, Retired Members are to receive a Spending Account to a maximum of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) per annum and will cover eligible Health and Dental Benefits available to the members under the current Collective Agreement. Effective January 1st 2011, the Spending Account will be to a maximum of three thousand ($3,000.00) per annum.

In the January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026, "Interest Arbitration Award", there appears to be no change to the allowance amount.
    The Spending Account will be available to members for the ten (10) years immediately following the member’s 65th birthday or until death, whichever come first.    
    All claims against the Spending Account will reflect the eligible maximums as outlined in the current Collective Agreement.    
    All claims against the Spending Account must be accompanied by the original itemized statement and/or receipt from the medical service provider.    
    The Account survives for dependents until the date the member would have turned 75.    
    Schedule "F" - Summary of Benefits    
    Eligibility Q and A    
Q Effective date of Employee Benefits changing to an allowance plus the amount of the allowance.    
    A First of the following month they attain age 65.  Benefits from 65 to 75 have an annual maximum of $3,000 combined for the employee and eligible dependents/spouse.    
    Q Effective dates of any contract of improvements.    
    A Latest interest arbitration date of July 15, 2024.  Benefit amendments align with bargaining.  When the new Collective Agreement ratifies and as a result of the ratification if there are changes to benefits those would apply to the pre 65 and post 65 plans as well.    
    Q Do improvements apply to all pensioners receiving an allowance?    
    A Yes    
    Q Is the allowance amount applicable to the pensioner or is it a total family allowance?    
    A Annual maximum of $3,000 combined for the employee and eligible dependents/spouse. Family allowance.    
    Q Is there any other important information that would be beneficial to include on our website.    
    A Changes to dependents, contact information should be forward to HR.Benefits@hamilton.ca

Retirees are also encouraged to maintain their email address with the City as this is how we communicate with retirees.


    Hamilton Fire Department
Pensioner's Association - "The Group"
    Web Design by White Oak Webscapes